Christmas seems to have snuck quietly out of the door allowing focus ahead.
The 2022 calendar is pretty full already with trips, exhibitions, drawing weekends, teaching and planning on in to 2023. I think this is good, though strangely daunting, and dates dance around GCSE dates (or not; who knows), swimming trips and time with family.
Gallery time?
50% commission seems a big hit but if they can take a load off me and explore new markets I feel keen and ready to search for the right gallery representation fit for me this year. I am working with an Art Consultant to navigate this world.
Open House
This year's Open House was great - newbies and oldies coming to chat, see what I am up to, buy - not buy - and either is cool. I loved seeing you all - the tea, the cake, the wine, the sharing and the chat. It was fun to do a mini studio tour when four lovely ladies came to the Open house from Cheltenham - so interested in the process and the thinking and it filled my heart to be able to share. So thanks to all that came.
The year starts with a trip to New York in January for a portrait commission filling me with hope and excitement and a trip to MoMA (The Museum of Modern Art). It then navigates towards a two week solo show in 44ad in Bath at the beginning of October. Think water and fish - think people and place - think 2d and 3d - think experience and fun!
Also, a joint show in February focused on an amazing model called Ruth, a trip to Newlyn in Cornwall working with Rob Unett, an intense life drawing weekend in March in Wales, a conversation with Derwent about a collaboration, a 5.5 mile swim in Coniston water in June, a Greek swim in July and a sprinkling of teaching at The Holburne Museum in Bath, hopefully leaving some space for family and friends; for opportunities and adventure and loads and loads of drawing and painting.
I painted some friends dogs recently and they have gone down a treat. It's a fun and expressive sideline! I will open up a window later in the year to do some more, so let me know if you are interested.
Fired up
It’s all very exciting - being able to really focus on my work since going full time is so helpful; I can really think - get organised - process and plan to dig in where I feel it is required. Drawing and observation are critical to my development and I have five new Christmas sketchbooks to fill!!! yippee!!
Keep an eye
If you don't follow me already on instagram, it’s a great place to keep an eye on more regular updates, processes and new images.
I hope 2022 will unfold optimistically for you - keep painting - or buying paintings (!!) - and take care.